Audio visual performance : Indexhibit

Copyright 2010-2022

Performance collaboration with Solhorn
The Performances consists of a live demonstration of a manually operated sculptural installation. Formally, they have the shape of a concert, but in a concrete formal experiment that expands the focus from sound, performer and instrumentalist towards space, spacial awareness, image and receiver. Most recent works revolve around reduction and abstraction in the interaction between sound, light and shadow, bodily movement in space, technology and a little bit of magic. A recurring idea is to build a framework for an interdiciplinary synaesthetic whole with a direct link between sound and image.
Click on the images to play the videos:

Chthonic 2014, performance video documentation, UCL London
(for short excerpt fast forward to 5min and 40sec.)
Jazz House, CPH 2013
Sejrø Festival 2011
Henning Young 2011